Venomverse Comic #1 Sketch Cover. WIDTH 33.6 CM. Original cover art by Paul Swain. This item is an actual comic with the branded sketch cover completed with art by Paul Swain (PAULSWAINART). The blank variant cover is limited. This one- with original art- is unique. Original art on a comic. The cover art is NOT a print, NOT a replica, NOT a reproduction: ORIGINAL ART. This blank cover is a’wrap-around’, so ARTWORK is on the FRONT AND BACK COVER. Mixed media (ink, markers and acrylic paint). Images here show scans of the comic/art, photos of the comic/art in a natural environment, and some stages of the process of creation.. The first three images in this listing are scans of the actual cover. First showing the front and back together, open. The second showing the front. And the third showing the back cover. The next images are just basic photographs of the cover in situ. The first of those (so the fourth image here) shows the cover opened up, to illustrate the full continuous image of the back and front together. The next image after that here (so the fifth image of this listing) shows the front cover. And the next image (the sixth image here) shows the back cover. The next three images (images seven, eight and nine here) show some work-in-progress images to illustrate the process of creating this cover. The cover began with nothing more than the title and’Marvel’ branding- ALL of the artwork is ORIGINAL art, exclusive to this cover. This is an original painting, simply presented on a comic cover. The actual comic still exists within this cover, too. I don’t use p&p for profit (I make a loss on every sale), so I’ll ensure it’s the most discounted it can be while still keeping your items fully insured. I know, after a few years of fielding questions on here, not everybody is familiar with the term “original art”. But this isn’t anything of the sort- NOT a copy available to just anyone. This is ORIGINAL ART. This isn’t a print or a facsimile of my art. Original art means this is the ACTUAL work, the ACTUAL drawing, the ACTUAL ink, the ACTUAL paint- THE original. I ONLY sell my original work here. I don’t sell mass produced versions of my work here at all, ever. If I sell my art here: I ONLY sell original art, only ever have. I’ve never paid for a license of any sort to produce multiples and duplicates and copies like prints and posters- I only sell original works of art. This is no different. It’s original, which means it’s unique/one of a kind- and only one person can ever own it. This will only EVER be available from me to one individual.