This is a Marvel Daredevil comic book with issue number 600, published by Marvel Comics in 2018. The cover of this comic book features an original sketch recreation by artist Ron Wilson, who has also signed this comic book. The comic has been authenticated by CBCS with certification number 23-2F88077-003. The story revolves around the superhero team Defenders, and the character Daredevil (Matt Murdock) in particular. This comic book belongs to the Modern Age (1992-Now) era and is a part of the US Comics tradition. It is a great addition to any comics collection and a must-have for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Original Art Cover
This is a Marvel Daredevil comic book with issue number 600, published by Marvel Comics in 2018. The cover of this comic book features an original sketch recreation by artist Ron Wilson, who has also signed this comic book. The comic has been authenticated by CBCS with certification number 23-2F88077-003. The story revolves around the superhero team Defenders, and the character Daredevil (Matt Murdock) in particular. This comic book belongs to the Modern Age (1992-Now) era and is a part of the US Comics tradition. It is a great addition to any comics collection and a must-have for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.