This Transformers comic, issue number 13, features a unique variant cover by artist Brian Lacy. The cover showcases the iconic characters in a stunning and original way. The comic is part of the US Comics tradition and is a must-have for any fan of the series. The issue is categorized under Collectibles, Comic Books & Memorabilia, Comics, and Comics & Graphic Novels. It is a great addition to any collection and is sure to impress. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own this rare and highly sought after item.
Original Art Cover
This Transformers comic, issue number 13, features a unique variant cover by artist Brian Lacy. The cover showcases the iconic characters in a stunning and original way. The comic is part of the US Comics tradition and is a must-have for any fan of the series. The issue is categorized under Collectibles, Comic Books & Memorabilia, Comics, and Comics & Graphic Novels. It is a great addition to any collection and is sure to impress. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own this rare and highly sought after item.