THEN IT RAINED COMICS PRESENTS. STRANGE ADVENTURES #236 ART original cover proof. 1972 sci fi STAR ROVERS. Great thrills highlights this must have piece of COVER ART… From 1972 and DC comics this is a ORIGINAL COVER PROOF or also called APPROVAL COVER to STRANGE ADVENTURES #236… This is a piece of ORIGINAL PRODUCTION COVER ART… One of the final phases used in the production of the COMIC BOOK… These COVERS were made for a one last look over before printing…. And changes to art/price/date etc were made at this time!!! … Approx size is 7″ by 10 1/4″………… These are far and few between — their importance and collectibility has become well known!!! … GET THIS GREAT PIECE OF ORIGINAL PRODUCTION ART WHILE YOU CAN!!! …. PIECE is shiny, and in nice shape… A super cool piece for any collection!!! GET GREAT SERVICE – WELL PACKED ITEMS. Helped with market reports as a WIZARD V. And are known by comic dealers and collectors worldwide to be FAIR and HONEST!! Give us a try!