Original 1896 line block print by Aubrey Beardsley The Savoy Cover No. 2 signed in the block. (British, Brighton, Sussex 18721898 Menton). Artistic career was remarkably impactful for its brevity. In the seven years he was able to draw and write before succumbing to tuberculosis, Beardsley developed a reputation as one of the most controversial artists of his time. The linear elegance of his designs coupled with the artist’s bizarre sense of humor and fascination with the grotesque and taboo simultaneously intrigued and repelled his Victorian audience. The original 1896 line block print Not a copy or modern reprint. The item “Original 1896 line block print by Aubrey Beardsley The Savoy Cover No. 2″ is in sale since Tuesday, April 28, 2020. This item is in the category “Art\Art Prints”. The seller is “trg0001″ and is located in San Carlos, California. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Originality: Original
- Date of Creation: 1800-1899
- Listed By: Dealer or Reseller
- Subject: Fashion
- Original/Reproduction: Original
- Size: Small (up to 12in.)
- Height (Inches): 10″
- Width (Inches): 7.5″
- Artist: Aubrey Beardsley
- Print Surface: Thick Wove Paper
- Features: Signed in the Block
- Framing: Professional Archival Framing
- Medium: Line Block Print
- Year: 1896