THEN IT RAINED COMICS PRESENTS. GHOSTS #5 ART original COVER PROOF and COLOR GUIDE. 1972 CARDY HEARSE HORROR. Great thrills highlight these must have pieces of ORIGINAL COVER ART……. From 1972 and DC comics these are the ORIGINAL APPROVAL COVER PROOF and the ORIGINAL HAND COLORED COLOR GUIDE to the cover of GHOSTS #5!!!! ORIGINAL PRODUCTION COVER ART COVER PROOF : one of the final phases used in the production of the COMIC BOOK—these COVERS were made for a one last look over before printing—and changes to art/price/date etc were made at this time!! COLOR GUIDE : the ONE OF A KIND – ORIGINAL HAND COLORED WORK for the COVER—a truly important part of the comic making process—-IT CANT BE IN BLACK AND WHITE—- work done by the COLORIST is so the PRINTERS know how to finalize the color schemes!! Approx size for each is 7″ by 10 1/4″……. Their importance and collectibility has become well known!!! … GET THESE GREAT PIECES OF ORIGINAL PRODUCTION ART WHILE YOU CAN!!! …. PIECES are in nice shape, color guide has two staples at the top and approval has tiny pin holes top center…….. Super cool pieces for any collection!!! GET GREAT SERVICE – WELL PACKED ITEMS. Helped with market reports as a WIZARD V. And are known by comic dealers and collectors worldwide to be FAIR and HONEST!! Give us a try!