LARGE ART: MONSTER PINUP PAGE With Great Details! A FANGED ALIEN OR HIDEOUS MONSTER HAS JUST DISEMBOWELED A HAPLESS MAN, –I HOPE THAT’S NOT DARKNESS THAT JUST GOT GUTTED! MASSIVE PIECE THAT’S ILLUSTRATED RIGHT TO ALL THE EDGES. ORNATELY DETAILED AND SURE TO APPEAL TO ANY FAN OF THE FAMOUS CANADIAN TALENT. DALE KEOWN HAS WORKED FOR AIRCEL, IMAGE COMICS, MARVEL AND MORE, ALTHOUGH HE IS PROBABLY MOST FAMOUS FOR HIS CREATION OF PITT, AND HIS INFLUENTIAL STINTS DRAWING INCREDIBLE HULK AND THE DARKNESS. THIS MASTERPIECE LOOKS LIKE IT COULD HAVE BEEN THE FRONT COVER OF A HORROR OR SCIENCE-FICTION COMIC, ALTHOUGH I DO NOT KNOW IF IT EVER WAS PUBLISHED. PERHAPS IT WAS REPRODUCED AS A PRINT IN AN ART PORTFOLIO, OR A PIN-UP ON A BACK COVER OF A COMIC, WHO KNOWS, BUT IT IS JAW DROPPING, AND VERY GRUESOME! THIS SHOWPIECE IS SURE TO BE A CENTERPIECE OF SOME LUCKY FANS COLLECTION. This FANTASTIC Art Piece is big, at 11″ x 17″, and it goes right to the edges and lacks word balloons, making it look even more massive and much like top notch FINE ART while also making it a tremendous stand-alone work of art, worthy of prominent display in any collection. FABULOUS ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Hand rendered artwork by Dale Keown and J. Somerville, the talent and proficiency is clearly evident, it’s amazing; Both artists signed it at lower right in 1990. Some of you long-term collectors have dealt with us in the pre-bay years through our many ads in C. And Combo and Wizard and C. B. G. It’s in beautiful shape, and remains clean, fresh and supple. This piece is PURE original art, mixed media including watercolor, and/or airbrush, conte, pen and ink, pastels, wash, etc. And there are no pasteovers of any kind, no stats. Please examine all of the pictures, I took a photo of it next to a random comic-book for scale. Note the art page is blank on reverse. KEY COMICS IS ALWAYS DEALING IN COMICS & ART!