I’m Paul Harmon an animation artist and comic artist. I’m a huge tmnt fan and worked on a few issues of tales of tmnt. This is a recreation of my cover for tales of tmnt 36 – done in my more current inking style. I loved doing this book so much I wanted to see
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Original Art Cover

Original tmnt ninja turtles comic art Tales 36 Cover Recreation Paul Harmon
Original tmnt ninja turtles comic art Tales 36 Cover Recreation Paul Harmon
I’m Paul Harmon an animation artist and comic artist. I’m a huge tmnt fan and worked on a few issues of tales of tmnt. This is a recreation of my cover for tales of tmnt 36 – done in my more current inking style. I loved doing this book so much I wanted to see
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Batgirl original Comic Art Illustration by Paul Harmon
I’m Paul Harmon an animation artist and comic artist. Ink pencil and marker. Getting back into the comic art will have lots of illustrations and some recreations and studies of some of my favorite covers of all time. Having fun learning and developing techniques along the way. Thanks so much for checking this out. Lots
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Silver Surfer original Comic Art Illustration by Paul Harmon
I’m Paul Harmon an animation artist and comic artist. Just picked up the Buscema Silver Surfer artist édition and was completely blown away. This is pencil pen ink ink wash and a little white out. I had a ton of fun making this piece. Working out a lot of new techniques. Getting back into the
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