Art Deco Era Original Gouache Painting on board – December 1928 appears to be a design for For Vogue Magazine for a cover that was never used or possibly a poster – attributed to or circle of Edwardo Benito, Vogue cover artist. Board is 11″ x 15″.
Original Art Cover

ORIGINAL Vogue PARIS magazine Decembre 1926 December Cover Art Deco BENITO RARE
Dimensions : 31 x 23 cm. Weight: 0.522 kg. Per RISPARMIARE chiedete la spedizione. Combinata prima di pagare! Few important words, please READ it carefully! Poche importanti parole, per favore LEGGERE attentamente! Va effettuato entro 5 giorni dalla chiusura dell’inserzione, se siete interessati ad altri miei articoli in vendita e volete attendere per fare un
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