Original X-Men cover artwork for the 1979 Cosmic Canadian Convention held in Toronto in September, 1979. Byrne was the guest of honor and was commissioned to do the cover by the organizers. I’ve included the convention program cover and some of the interior pages featuring Byrne and his artwork. The penciled, inked and signed artwork
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Original Art Cover

1979 John Byrne X-Men original art COVER art Cosmican Con 79
1979 John Byrne X-Men original art COVER art Cosmican Con 79
Original X-Men cover artwork for the 1979 Cosmic Canadian Convention held in Toronto in September, 1979. Byrne was the guest of honor and was commissioned to do the cover by the organizers. I’ve included the convention program cover and some of the interior pages featuring Byrne and his artwork. The penciled, inked and signed artwork
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