Original Marvel comic book pre-production cover artwork. Fury and his Howling Commandos #77. Originally published on April 10th, 1970: Artists Dick Ayers, John Severin, and Jean Izzo. Edited by Stan Lee. Unique art that brings together what the final cover of this comic would look like prior to production. What makes this a unique piece
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Original Art Cover

Original Marvel Cover Art Sgt. Fury/Howling Commandos #77, Stan Lee Auto JSA
Boy Commandos #2 ART original cover proof 1973 INFANTINO JACK KIRBY DC
THEN IT RAINED COMICS PRESENTS. Boy Commandos #2 COVER ART original proof, 1973 INFANTINO KIRBY DC. Great thrills highlights this must have piece of COVER ART… From 1973 and DC comics this is the ORIGINAL COVER PROOF or also called APPROVAL COVER to BOY COMMANDOS #2… This is a piece of ORIGINAL PRODUCTION COVER ART…
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