THEN IT RAINED COMICS PRESENTS. CHAMPION SPORTS #3 COVER ART, original approval cover proof 1970’S HORSES HICKOK. Great thrills highlights this must have piece of COVER ART… From the 1970’S and DC comics this is the ORIGINAL COVER PROOF or also called APPROVAL COVER to CHAMPION SPORTS #3… This is a piece of ORIGINAL PRODUCTION
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Original Art Cover

CHAMPION SPORTS #3 ART original cover proof 1974 HORSES HICKOK DC
Summer Sale Champion of the Sidhe Don Maitz original book cover art Bantam’84
ORIGINAL ART – BOOK COVER. “CHAMPIONS OF THE SIDHE”. To start off my summer sale this year, I’ve decided to offer a small collection of science fiction and fantasy paintings that have not been on the market since they first became part of a private collection between 25 and 30 years ago. All were painted
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